Thursday, November 6, 2008

Real American Love

All around the world people were spreading the love over the simple fact that the majority of Americans made the right choice on Tuesday. A lot of people think that the decision of picking the first African-American to head this country is the big big news, but I feel the most important aspect of Tuesday's election was us making the decision that we wanted Change. Time will tell if we get the change we want, but take comfort in the fact that the right decision was made.

Anyone who tells you that the country was heading in the right direction is a fool (and trust me there are many who have no qualms about sharing their distaste for America's choice on facebook). Crazy spending, two wars, a widening gap between the rich and poor, and a diminishing brightness in the ray of hope that American has shone since she was discovered. That ray now shines brighter.

Attached are two things that assure me we made the right choice:

First, this article written by William J. Kole, AP's Vienna bureau chief, who has covered European affairs since 1995. It is a short article that expresses the unbridled joy shared by those around the world.

Second, a video of a group of people that joined together at Union Square in New York City a few hours after it was clear that Barack Obama was declared the 44th President of America. To show their happiness they joined in unison to sing the "Star Spangled Banner."

This is the America that I love.

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