Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Mr. President Barack Obama

It's official, folks. As of 11PM, Barack Obama has been announced as the 44th President of the United States of America. This is an unbelievably historic moment, one in which I am truly at a loss for words. If you had asked me a few years ago if I would see an African-American president in my lifetime, I would've laughed. To see this happen now, not just in my lifetime, but in my youth, is truly unbelievable. Not only did Obama win, he won handedly by a large margin, straight up mollywopping Senator McCain.

The outcome of this election speaks volumes about how bad of a job that President Bush did in his 8 years in office. From a falsely motivated, preemptive war on Iraq in response to 9/11 to a despicable showing by the Bush administration on supporting its own citizens in the wake of Hurricane Katrina to the economic policies that have resulted in the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression, the Bush administration's collective failures have led to the election of a man named Barack Hussein Obama. Who could've imagined?

I can safely say that I have never felt more faith in the state of America, its citizens, and the health of Democracy. This election has revealed what has and continues to make America great. Barack Obama has done the unthinkable and become the 44th President of the United States of America. Half-white, half-African, born in Hawaii, raised by a single mother in the Midwest, Columbia and Harvard educated, Barack Obama represents a lasting symbol of the American dream. He has run the most successful campaign in history, with the least mistakes, the greatest fundraising effort, and staged arguably the biggest upset in American presidential election history.

President Barack Obama might not be able to bring all of his lofty goals to fruition, but deep down I truly believe that he will sincerely work his hardest day in and day out as President of the United States. It is a comfort that I have never felt about politics in my young life. Despite the turmoil that is occurring all around us, from the global financial crisis to the war in Iraq, I can safely say that I will get the best night of sleep I've had in years.


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