Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson have done more for race relations than Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton COMBINED!

In this world it seems as though some people help create problems and others help fix the problems that the idiots create.

For example:
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson occasionally have good intentions, but more times than not they eff things up for everyone. Their self-declared missions in life are to help create a place where we are all treated equally and can share those unalienable rights that are bestowed upon us all, despite the colour of our skin. Yet time after time they have taken the role of race-baiters; turning races against each other by always calling foul against the white man whenever a brother gets in trouble.

Now race has always been an issue in America, but things were real bad in the early 90's. There was the Rodney King beating and the subsequent L.A. riots. Gangster rap was scaring "white" suburbia let alone Tipper Gore and Michael Jackson didn't want to be "black" anymore. Lets face it, whites and blacks were really only friends till they were old enough to realize that they were "white" and "black."

Thats where Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson came in to save the day. In the movie White Men Can't Jump, they helped to show America that not only could whites and blacks be friends, but that they could also team up together to hustle the pants off of the stereotypical hustlers. Ever since the movie came out in 1992 it has been cool to pick the white dude hanging out at the courts and whites and black can maintain friendships well into adulthood.

However, the forces that be worked hard to test the powers of Mr. Snipes and Mr. Harrelson. In 1994 O.J. Simpson did what he did even though he still claims he didn't despite the fact that everyone knows he did. Anyway, this incident almost undid the selfless work of White Men Can't Jump, but Mr. Snipes and Mr. Harrelson were quick to action by making the movie Money Train. In the movie they upped the social graces by showing us that whites and blacks could be brothers! Jackson, Sharpton, this is where real difference is made.

So grab a friend of a different race, watch this clip, and thank whomever you worship for Wesley Snipes and Woody Harrelson.
Gentlemen, we salute you!

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