Friday, October 17, 2008

random musings

- john mccain is a bitter old man. watch his interview from tonight's letterman. much respect to dave for asking the hard hitting questions.

- the 2nd verse of weezy f. baby's track "dr. carter" is genius.

- conan o'brien's "in the year 2000" segment is one of the most consistently funny things i've ever seen.

- is it not crazy that air jordans from 1991 are still as relevant today, 17 years later, as they were back then? when i was SEVEN.

- sarah palin is one heartbeat away from the presidency...i don't know what keeps me up more at night, that thought or the fact that we are in our generation's great depression and i watch my money dwindle day by day.

- last night's episode of the office featured some ill ass babies. and we all know kiki yuhhhs the babies.

goodnight y'all, happy fridays.

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