Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Now that was some must see TV!

My two pennies:

That was a damn good debate. Sarah Palin exceeded almost everyone's expectations (again, not hard to do). She was for the most part clear on her points (yet not really giving any substance) and was able to stick to the game plan she or someone else had set up. Republicans should be very pleased with her performance. Too bad it wasn't good enough mofo!

Joe Biden is the EFFING MAN! After the lukewarm Presidential debate I mentioned to those around me that it would have been great if Biden debated McCain because he would of thrown the punches Obama is either too scared to throw or incapable of throwing. He made it deathly clear where the democrats stand on the issues and threw fact after fact back in her face. Her only response: regurgitate her stance on other issues without actually answering anything.

At no time did Biden flinch. He attacked the issues that McCain stands upon and painted a beautiful picture of a McCain administration and I'll be damned, it looked like the Bush admin. Team Obama looks stronger than ever.

And you Gwen Ifill, I know that you were pushed in a corner, at no fault of your own, but you could have made sure they were staying on the issues. and answering the questions, but whatever.

*Actually scrap all that and just read this, because Josh Marshall explained it better than me.

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