Thursday, October 2, 2008

Statistical Semantics and Marry Poppins

I would like to start with an apology: my post contains no photographs, Youtube links, or Woody Harrelson shout-outs. As these have quickly become a staple of the areyoueffingserious blog, perhaps I should consider them, but for now at least, I will abstain. I also have nothing to say for the time being of inconsequential matters such as the presidential election.

I would, however, like to question some of the statistics Blogspot is showing me. Fact: No one is following this blog. This statistical taunt is found in the upper right corner of our page. I find it disturbing that although multiple people have posted multiple items on this blog, not a single one of them (according to Blogspot) is following the blog. Since this is the second time I have been to areyoueffingserious, I would consider myself a follower of its content, yet Blogspot insists I am not. Here is a blog that is forced to endure a virtual slap in the face from its publisher, a publisher who purports to be our friend.

Now, Google can guide me to a dictionary but it can't make me believe its propaganda, which is clearly trying to change the definition of the word follower. What's next? I don't have an answer for that. But this much I do know: Woody Harrelson would never do that.

Don't let them change you Woody. Don't let them change you.

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