Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Top 5 Old Women that could get it:

Truth be told, technology's greatest gift has been making old women look gooood. 50 is the new 35, or something like that (Hilary Duff actually might turnout to be hotter than Faye Dunaway). So in honour of the hotties that are making their way back to the top of the hill, we have compiled a list of the the top 5 (plus some notables):

1. Jane Seymour (58)

2. Helen Mirren (63)

3. Morgan Fairchild (59)

4. Angela Bassett (50)

5. Andie MacDowell (50)

Sharon Stone (50)

Diane Sawyer (63)

Arianna Huffington (58)

Susan Sarandon (62)

Sigourney Weaver (59)

Nancy Pelosi

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