Thursday, February 5, 2009

Obama's Making Money

When tax season rolls around, millions of Americans pay their dues to Uncle Sam. Some people pay crazy percentages, but if your rich it's not so crazy. However, there are a select few who try to stick it in the butt of Uncle Sam and pay him nothing. Obama is putting an end to this debauchery.

Having been President less than three weeks, Obama has already brought back thousands of dead presidents to the vaults. By him selecting uncle rapist for government positions, the guilty have been forced to pay up.

Here is how it breaks down so far:

Tim Geithner, Treasury Secretary - $34,000

Hilda Solis, Labour Secretary nominee - $6,400

Nancy Killefer, Chief Performance Officer nominee- $947

Tom Daschle, Health and Human Service Secretary nominee - $140,000

Total - $181,347.00


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