Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I'm not trying to scare anyone, but...

you might soon have to kill someone in order to survive.

Now I don't really believe that this economic mess we are in is going to lead to total chaos, but Argentina was once on the brink of it.

Towards the end of 2001, Argentina, which was considered a very stable country with beautiful women and great steak, entered into very dark days. Their economy collapsed and shortly there after the government started to loose its grip on its people. Things became very dangerous. Murders, kidnappings and robberies became common place.

A friend of mine, who lived through those crazy times, once recounted a scary story to me. One day he opened his front door and walked into his house to find armed men who demanded him to leave or they would kill him. There was nothing he could do. The gun men would not even allow him to take any of his belongings. What was once his was now theirs.

He came from a wealthy family that had purchased the home for him a year earlier, so he was still able to survive, but many did not.

Argentina soon became a country know only for its beautiful women and great steak.

What will the rest of the world remember of us?

If you are interested to learn more of what life was like for Argentinians during the bad times, here is a link to a first hand account written by a student who survived it.

*this post might have been an excuse to put up pictures of beautiful Argentinian women, but you will never know.

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