Monday, December 1, 2008

a word on steak and eggs

i am a carnivore as is my father and his father before him. i also like to drink. so while a shortstack of pancakes imbibed in maple syrup might sound good to somebody after one too many jack and cokes, you can count on me to holler at some steak and eggs.

now normally i like the no frills variety- any meat will do, eggs in any style so long as the yolk is runny, and some homefries and even some toast if i'm feeling randy. but there is much to be said for something with a little more moxie. and that's where longsilog comes in.

technically, longsilog is sausage and eggs, but honestly, who's keeping track? throw me some cholesterol and i'm straight. it's a dish that was a mainstay in my house growing up, and is essentially comprised of rice lightly fried in garlic and sometimes ginger, (preferably) two eggs in any style, and longoniza, a chorizo style sausage that tastes best with a little bit of vinegar.

because this post is more about eating than it is about cooking, i'm not gonna outline the recipe right here. i suppose that's kind of wack but i'm pressed for time because i'm sitting in front of a hot plate of it right now. good luck getting your own. peace in the middle east.

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