Wednesday, May 6, 2009

So long Scrubs

After eight seasons and a network switch, Scrubs is (possibly?) coming to an end tonight. (ABC 8pm ET)

J.D., Turk, Elliot, Carla, Dr. Cox (Millburn, NJ), The Janitor (Casey Galligan?), "This Guy" Bob Kelsoe, The Todd, Ted, and Jordan, are all signing off tonight after years of making me laugh with their quirkiness and almost cry with their moments of poignant revelations.

The one thing that I have always loved about the show is that it makes me happy after watching it. At no point have I ever felt like I wanted to switch lives with one of the characters, but I have felt the need to model my life after some of them. Bill Laurence, the creator, never glamorized the profession of being a doctor, rather he showed the struggles and nuances doctors go through, and therein lies the beauty of the show. Most of us do not deal with the high level of stress of having peoples lives in the palm of our hands on a daily basis, yet we can still find plenty to complain about. The characters on Scrubs never seem to complain. They seem to take life one day at a time enjoying their relationships with others and making the most of every situation. They have taught me to always find something to smile about and this has made all the difference in my life.

Thank you Scrubs for teaching me priceless lessons of life. Thank you God for reruns.

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