Saturday, April 11, 2009

Pick a side aready!

Mike Bloomberg, the guy above (and the guy i wanted to be prez), is running for a 3rd term as mayor of NYC. Fair enough.

After spending a ton of his own money to become mayor he decided to spend a few extra buck to extend the term limit to three. Whatever works.

What I can't figure out however, is why the hell do the political parties allow Bloomy to use them like the guys on my floor used Jenny "have at 'em" Jeffries freshman year of college? The dude was Republican, then went Democrat, then Republican again, then he threw us a curve ball and went Independent, and is now returning to the red corner.

The dude doesn't vote along party lines, he doesn't need the money, and his constituaents don't care what colour shirt he's wearing because the dude is a "no pants" liberal. If it's a ballot issue, i say change the damn ballots. You were able to change the term limits weren't you?

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