Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Los Mavs contra Los Spurs

On my personal journey towards Spanish fluency, I learned very early that simply adding los to the front of a noun is a moronic linguistic attempt. I'm here watching Los Mavs and Los Spurs battle it out on el ESPN. Los announcers are the same. Los advertisements are the same. Los players are the same. But el NBA is reaching across barriers by adding a Spanish the to the uniforms. Wow.

If we are going Latin, let's go Latin. I want to see multicolored arenas. I want a virgin-inspired logo on center court. I want mustaches and a military coup where a fan takes team ownership and distributes concessions at no charge. All game music must include trumpets. All cheerleaders will know how to prepare a family meal because that is an important Hispanic tradition.

That's the kind of Sociohispano appreciation I want from a Sports League. Make it happen Mr. Stern.

El NBA: donde pasa el increible

1 comment:

beefy said...

haha i was watching this and had to call a spanish speaking friend to tell them. diversity in the NBA, who woulda thunk it.